Podiatry Services in Perth: 6 Tips For Ankle Care At Home

Specialist care is often a key part of seeking podiatry services in Perth, including for ankles. However, it’s also important to know how to look after your feet at home. Ankles are the foundation of the feet. If they are not functioning correctly, it can lead to an array of problems.

As we age, our ankle muscles weaken, and our tendons and ligaments lose elasticity, leading to joint pain and other ankle-related issues. In this blog post, we will explore some tips for ankle care at home, which will help you keep your ankles healthy and pain-free.

1. Perform Daily Stretches

Daily stretching can help keep your ankles limber and flexible, reducing the risk of injury. You can do several ankle stretches, including ankle circles, calf stretches, and foot flexes. It is best to perform these stretches in the morning and evening or before any physical activity.

2. Incorporate Strength Exercises

Strength exercises can help build the muscles in your ankles, which can help prevent injury and improve your balance. Some exercises you can do at home include heel raises, single-leg balances, and ankle inversions and eversions.

3. Consider A Change Of Shoes

The shoes you wear can impact your ankle health. If your shoes are too tight or do not provide proper support, it can cause ankle pain and discomfort. Consider changing your shoes to a pair with good arch support and cushioning, which will help alleviate ankle pressure.

podiatry services in Perth

3. Try Swimming Or Stationary Biking Over Running

Running can be hard on your ankles, especially if you have ankle problems. Try low-impact exercises, such as swimming or stationary biking. This can help improve your cardiovascular health without causing additional strain on your ankles.

4. Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can cause muscle cramps, which can affect your ankle health. Ensure you drink enough water throughout the day, especially during and after exercise.

5. Unfold Your Legs While Sitting

Crossing your legs while sitting can cause ankle strain and reduce blood flow to your ankles. Try to avoid crossing your legs for extended periods and take frequent breaks to stretch and move around.


Taking care of your ankles is essential for maintaining overall foot health. With proper care, you can help reduce the risk of ankle injuries and pain. The simplest tips can contribute the most to ankle health. If you experience ongoing ankle pain or discomfort, consider professional podiatry services in Perth for personalized care and treatment.